My dear friends,
welcome again to my new web! I hope you like and get along with it. But as you can read this blog you obviously clicked exactly to where you´re supposed to be: this is the place where in a few days you will find my new videos!
But first let me ask you for a little more patience, please. The last 4 weeks when we set up the whole page where quite tense… so much to overthink, so many decisions to take… The go-live of this page means quite a big deal for me: it is not less than the last phase of the transition time, the time of finally letting go! In the last 5 years I learned so many important lessons I wouldn´t want to miss, but at the same time those where just incredibly hard years. I´ve been looking forward to the end of this difficult phase of my life… you wouldn´t guess how many times! But now that the great moment has come please give me some more days to reflect on it, to make peace with what didn´t work out as I wished, to cleanse my energy field and to finally let it go and close the door to the past. Please give me some more days to also recover a bit and then I´ll be back hopefully some fresh and motivating energy!
I invite you to do the same. Click around a bit, remember the good old times of travelling by seeing some pictures, leave me a little comment on the black board maybe and just get prepared to the new, too! Take good care and see and hear you very, very soon!
lol, Angela